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UT2k3 Evil Eyes , Lightning Strikes , Neofin , Freakengine,
by SaD - Saturday, April 05th, 2003 - 12:00 am
ThE_LoRd submitted a skin called Evil Eye.It´s for the Juggernaut Male.

Spiritdog submitted a SkinPack named Lightning Strikes.It contains 6 skins.

One of the greatest model I have seen is made by Ian Waugh.It´s Neofin.

Dru Tyson submitted a skin called Freakengine.It´s for the Human Male.

-> Juggernaut Male : Evil Eye <-
-> SkinPack : Lightning Strikes <-
-> New Model : Neofin <-
-> Human Male : Freakengine <-
Comments (5)

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5 Dru - Sunday, April 06th, 2003 - 6:55 am
Thanks for the kind words about Freakengine.Actually the skin is improved.I resubmitted and now hes not nearly so dark.Chheck it out

4 RCvie - Saturday, April 05th, 2003 - 9:34 am
Thumbs and flippers up for Neofin, nice work.
Question: If he jumps in the water does he sink like a brick?
It's nice to see you can do more than play cricket. (An Aussie (Lame) joke)

3 minime - Saturday, April 05th, 2003 - 7:52 am

neofin is just great!

I like the lightning strikes body

2 OMS - Saturday, April 05th, 2003 - 5:07 am
Evil Eye : no comment

Lightning strikes, i like! very kool idea, the skin doesnt look too different from the original merc male skisn, but it still has a wicked effect. The faces are looking pretty hot too, good work dude ;)

Neofin : F*** ME!!!! now that is a model, a totally original design and almost comical idea, i like alot!!

and Finally freakengine: not bad, a bit too dark, but still an ok skin. some nice work here

1 Gatch_2000 - Saturday, April 05th, 2003 - 4:28 am
wow, Neofin looks like an incredible model!!!... i'm willing it to download to me faster, as i type :o) - a real work of art, and something i'd never have dreamt of... but that somehow seems strangely right, and strangely wrong all at the same time... really makes u think, i think :o) very exciting!

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