UT Patch 436
BonusPack 1
BonusPack 4 |
The latest Patch and the BonusPacks 1 and 4 |
BonusPack 4 fix (umod)
Author : Psychic_313 at Paradox Productions
Webpage of the Author : Paradox Productions |
A fix to allow skin makers to produce and use custom skins for the WarBoss and Xan Mk.2 models supplied with Epic Games' Unreal Tournament Bonus Pack 4.
- Skinnable versions of WarBoss and Xan Mk.2 models
- Talktexture support
- Enables WarBoss and Xan Mk.2 to use any male voicepack
- Enables any model which uses male voicepacks to use the Robot (Xan) voice
-Requires SkeletalChars.u from Epic Bonus Pack 4 |
Author : UsAaR33
Webpage of the Author : UsAaR33 |
This allows skinners to make multiple faces
for the boss. At time of writing however, no skin has taken advantage of
this. The only thing special it does right now is to allow skins that don't
have the skinname5xan and instead 5facename in the UTX to still show the
talktexture (so now the brass talktexture will show! |
BonusPack1 fix
Author : UsAaR33
Webpage of the Author : UsAaR33 |
Nali War Cow Fixes: The Nali War Cow had several problems. If for instance you selected the atomic cow skin and started a team game, it would revert back to the warcow. This is the main part of the fix which stops this change.
For the Nali, this fix simply allows custom team colors. |
Author : Ob1-Kenobi
Webpage of the Author : http://www.planetunreal.com/umodwizard |
This program is designed to make Unreal Module
(*.umod) file generation as quickly and as easily as possible. |
JaFO's Bot-editor 2.55 (UnF Gold Special)
Author : Ron "JaFO" Dautzenberg
Webpage of the Author : JaFO
- Edit *all* the settings for the bots you can use in Unreal Tournament.
- Change their appearance, names & skill-settings
- export your bots to a separate file to share with your friends ...
- import the bots your friends made (you need to have the same models, skins & voices available of course ...)
- No need to find the shortcut for UT : simply start Unreal Tournament from this utility ...
- Infiltration has it's own very special support (to be extended soon in the next version(s))
- The primary/secondary classes for bots in Unreal Fortress Gold (Beta2v8) can be changed
- users can easily add basic support for their own mods |
JaFO's Bot-editor 2.5
Author : Ron "JaFO" Dautzenberg
Webpage of the Author : JaFO |
- Edit *all* the settings for the bots you can use in Unreal Tournament.
- Edit *all* the settings for the bots you can use in Unreal Tournament.
- Change their appearance, names & skill-settings
- export your bots to a separate file to share with your friends ...
- import the bots your friends made (you need to have the same models, skins & voices available of course ...)
- Infiltration has it's own very special support (to be extended soon in the next version(s))
- The primary/secondary classes for bots in Unreal Fortress Gold (Beta2v8) can be changed
- users can easily add basic support for their own mods |
Modelsupport 110
Author : Psychic_313 at Paradox Productions
Webpage of the Author : Paradox Productions |
Advanced Model Support is a free modification for Unreal Tournament enabling the use of new custom models. Modellers who use AMS in their models benefit from easy scripting with full support for custom skins, greater team-colour versatility than Epic's TournamentPlayer and SkeletalPlayer classes, and support for scripted skins allowing experienced skinners to alter the model's display settings. AMS also includes Epic skeletal animations from the Playstation 2 version of UT, both Male and Female versions, meaning AMS models shouldn't need Bonus Pack 4 |
umod-browser 1.3
Author : Jan "eGo" Urbansky
Webpage of the Author : UTconfig.unrealediting.de |
With this little utility you can extract the files from a Unreal Module (*.UMod, *.UT2Mod, *.U2Mod).
You can extract all files or a specific file. |
UT Skinmaker
Author : Arcodero
Webpage of the Author : Arcodero |
This tool can create Unreal Tournament texture packages to be used as player
skins. You don't need to use UnrealED!
The program allows you to create a skin project using the UT models (or others),
add the textures and finally create the UTX/INT files. The program takes care of
creating the file with the correct setting for things like the LODSet property
and creates the MipMaps for the textures. With 3D skin preview and a model
compiler so that you can skin a new, still unsupported, UT model. |
Skinmaker ModelPack
Author : Arcodero
Webpage of the Author : Arcodero
This ModelPack contains:
Abbey, Spawn, AlienQueen, Chubbs, Guardian, Marine, TheMask, ObiWan, RiotGirl, Rumiko, Smasher, Troop, Arab, BobaFett, Dire, Drake, Escher, Gordon, HellSpawn, JarHead, JHTM, Lobo, LordMaul, Prowl, q2Marine, Ratamahatta, Rayman, Sideswipe, Solidsnake, Tekkblade, Trinity, Julie, Bug, Conan, GGFemale2, GGMale2, Rocketman, Serpico, Snakey. |
Authors : Jesco Topp & Andy Ford
Webpages of the Authors : JTonline
Fordy |
You can export textures by right-clicking on them and selecting one of the two options. The textures will be saved in your default export folder as defined under properties.... |
Author : Jason Brown
This is a mutator that allows you to have more
than 32 bot configurations. It also bypasses the bug in the UT bot configuration
window, which would only let you pick from 32 bot classes (the limit of
XBots is 64). The mutator will randomly pick 32 configurations from all
active lists, so it doesn't really matter if you set random order or not.
- 6 lists maximum, including the UT bot list
- Temporarily disable bot configurations |
UT2003 Patch 2225
Epic BonusPack 1
Digital Extremes BonusPack |
The latest Patch and the BonusPacks 1 from Epic and the Pack from Digital Extremes |
JaFO's Botmanager for UT 2003
Author : Ron "JaFO" Dautzenberg
Webpage of the Author : JaFO |
Manage the characters & bots for UT'03. |
Spectate Botmatch
Author : Mychaeel |
The Spectate Botmatch mutator lets you start and join an offline bot match as
a spectator, watching as bots fight against each other. |
Author : Ob1-Kenobi
Webpage of the Author : http://www.planetunreal.com/umodwizard |
This program is designed to make Unreal Module (*.umod) file generation as quickly and as easily as possible. |
Author: EPIC
umod-browser 1.3
Author : Jan "eGo" Urbansky
Webpage of the Author : UTconfig.unrealediting.de |
With this little utility you can extract the files from a Unreal Module (*.UMod, *.UT2Mod, *.U2Mod).
You can extract all files or a specific file. |
UT200x ADDON-Installer (Version
Author : matthias [maG] graffe
Webpage of the Author : http://www.matthiasgraffe.de/
Readme German
Readme English |
This tool copys all texture, system,
animation, music, sound, etc. Files to your UT200x Folder!New with an integrated cachereader |
UT2004 Patch 3369
Editors Choice BonusPack
| The latest Patch and the Editors Choice BonusPack |
UT200x ADDON-Installer (Version
Author : matthias [maG] graffe
Webpage of the Author : http://www.matthiasgraffe.de/
Readme German
Readme English |
This tool copys all texture, system,
animation, music, sound, etc. Files to your UT200x Folder!New with an integrated cachereader |
Santaduck Toolpak for Macintosh UT2004
Author : SantaDuck
Webpage of the Author : Macologist
1) Benchmarker,
2) uMod viewer/extractor/installer,
3) Cache viewer/extracctor,
4) UZ2 compressor,
5) UZ2 uncompressor,
6) DropInstaller (for maps, full conversion mods, models, etc.),
7) UnInstaller (to view items which depend on each other, and/or to uninstall them as a group-- works with items installed with the Installer or UMod extractor). Just get it & read the contents. =) |
umod-browser 1.4
Author : Jan "eGo" Urbansky
Webpage of the Author : UTconfig.unrealediting.de |
- extract any files from an UMod
, preview some files before extract (text- or music-based files)
, install an current opened UMod
, compatible with some UMod files |
Spectate Botmatch
Author : Mychaeel |
The Spectate Botmatch mutator lets you start and join an offline bot match as
a spectator, watching as bots fight against each other. |
UT2003/4 Wireframe set-1024
Author : Kirin
Webpage of the Author : Saphiria.net |
In this package contains the wireframe textures for both UT2003 and UT2004 player models (including the ECE-Models).
UT2003/4 Wireframe set-2048
Author : Kirin
Webpage of the Author : Saphiria.net |
In this package contains the wireframe textures for both UT2003 and UT2004 player models (including the ECE-Models).
JaFO's Botmanager for UT 2004
Author : Jafo
Webpage of the Author : http://jafo.mienadres.nl |
== features == :
= install new characters from either .zip-files or .ut4mods to the directories of your choice
= create a complete .zip and/or .ut4mod
= create the .upl-files for new characters
= use a library with millions of names to generate a (new) name for your characters
= edit custom-bots
= preview skins
= listen to the voicepacks
= get the latest info without starting your favourite browser (*)
(*) requires an active internet-connection (feature is needs to be enabled first)
ADSU v. 1.0
Author : M�xX
| What is ADSU:
ADSU is a small tool removing the Duplicate characters in regular SinglePlayer mode of UT2004; of course there are only the best custom skins available on SkinCity used.
Additionaly it can be used for nostalgic reasons due providing a complete Database of all Stock- and Duplicatecharacters.
The tool comes with a handy installer and is Java-based application (If MS Internet Explorer works, ADSU works)
How does ADSU work:
The program itself does nothing more than some upl-switching. It has also "BackUp" and "Restore original values" so you won`t have to worry about problems when playing online or other damages.
Note: The skins which are used for DUP-exchange must be downloaded seperately (links are in DB)
Unfortunately there is no MAC-support at the moment
System Requirements
Windows 9x/2k/XP/Vista
MS Internet Explorer (unfortunately there are probs using Mozilla`s Firefox)
Unreal Tournament 2004 (& ECE Bonus Pack for best performance)
A screenresolution of at least to 1280x1024 is recommented
ADSU-Patch 1.05
Author : M�xX |
== Changes == :
Restore Orig function works now, somehow the install-creator didn`t copy it
Got rid of "Untitled Document"
Fixed Minor bug in main Menu - Misery`s portrait didn`t switch on rollover