.:: Submitting Skins and Models ::. |
Submitting skins or models:
For Unreal Tournament: [email protected]
For Unreal Tournament 2003: [email protected]
For Unreal Tournament 2004: [email protected]
For Unreal Tournament 3: [email protected]
Unreal Tournament:
Please make sure that your submitted file is a .zip-file and contains this:
- .int and.utx-file of your skin (or if it�s working a .umod-version).
- a Read-me in .txt-format . That contains: Author, Name of the skin. The name of authors, if you use some parts of their work (you have permission to do that). So make sure you contacted them first, before submitting your skin and we are running into trouble.
- All necessary files, if you send a model (make sure there is a read-me included). Drop them in a .zip-file before sending.
- No converted original models from other games will be posted. That means no conversions from Quake 3 Arena, like Visor, Doom and so on.
- No problem with custom models you have the permission to convert.
- Or, if you have own webspace give me a link where I can download your skin or model
Unreal Tournament 2003:
Please make sure that your submitted file is a .zip-file and contains this:
- .upl and.utx-file of your skin NOT the UPaint Files . We don�t add them .
- a Read-me in .txt-format . That contains: Author, Name of the skin. The name of authors, if you use some parts of their work (you have permission to do that). So make sure you contacted them first, before submitting your skin and we are running into trouble.
- All necessary files, if you send a model (make sure there is a read-me included). Drop them in a .zip-file before sending.
- No converted original models from other games will be posted. That means no conversions from Quake 3 Arena, like Visor, Doom and so on.
- No problem with custom models you have the permission to convert.
- Or, if you have own webspace give me a link where I can download your skin or model
Unreal Tournament 2004:
Please make sure that your submitted file is a .zip-file and contains this:
- .upl and.utx-file of your skin NOT the UPaint Files . We don�t add them .
- a Read-me in .txt-format . That contains: Author, Name of the skin. The name of authors, if you use some parts of their work (you have permission to do that). So make sure you contacted them first, before submitting your skin and we are running into trouble.
- All necessary files, if you send a model (make sure there is a read-me included). Drop them in a .zip-file before sending.
- No converted original models from other games will be posted. That means no conversions from Quake 3 Arena, like Visor, Doom and so on.
- No problem with custom models you have the permission to convert.
- Or, if you have own webspace give me a link where I can download your skin or model
Unreal Tournament 3:
Please make sure that your submitted file is a .zip-file and contains this:
- a Read-me in .txt-format . That contains: Author, Name of the skin. The name of authors, if you use some parts of their work (you have permission to do that). So make sure you contacted them first, before submitting your skin and we are running into trouble.
- All necessary files, if you send a model (make sure there is a read-me included). Drop them in a .zip-file before sending.
- No converted original models from other games will be posted.
- No problem with custom models you have the permission to convert.
- Or, if you have own webspace give me a link where I can download your skin or model
Thanks for reading.
Your SkinCity - Team
SkinCity is founded by SaD - Coding and databasecoding by Marco B. - www.mbpublish.de Unreal Tournament, Unreal, UT2003 and Unreal 2 are registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. All other
trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. Page Build Version: 3.3.2 [15. Dec 2005]