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UT2k4 Fountaingrizzle , Graah 1.1 , ChinaGirls , DA , Dotv1 , Wildcard,
by SaD - Wednesday, August 18th, 2004 - 8:42 am
-=BPS=-SKULLHEAD made Fountaingrizzle for the Cybernetic Female.

Schlumpy overworked his own Graah model.It´s now version 1.1 and comes with teamcolors.

*(((»GrimZon3«)))* submitted a nice SkinPack for the Soria-Model.Two skins are included , one of them comes with teamcolors.This Pack is named ChinaGirls.

Grex_4d created a skin roughly based on the Dark Angel chapter from warhammer 40k.It´s DA for the Cybernetic Male.

MachoMan submitted Dotv1 for the Skaarj.

WildCard for the Thundercrash Female is done by ZanerMan.

-> Cybernetic Female : Fountaingrizzle <-
-> New Model : Graah 1.1 <-
-> SkinPack : ChinaGirls <-
-> Cybernetic Male : DA <-
-> Skaarj : Dotv1 <-
-> Thundercrash Female : WildCard <-
Comments (3)

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3 Spudsy - Wednesday, August 18th, 2004 - 7:56 pm
Nice stuff. I especially like the Graah 1.1 and the ChinaGirls. The WildCard is also a nice skin there but then you can't forget the about the others. My thanks and kudos go out to the authors.

2 ZX13 - Wednesday, August 18th, 2004 - 10:23 am
Holy hell! Nice skins! I'm even downloading DA. Neverhtouhgt you could improve on the cybernetic males. I give this update a 9.. Fountaingriizzle is kinda "meh".

1 Klasnic - Wednesday, August 18th, 2004 - 9:55 am
Thanks for the update Schlumpy - Nice to know someone listens to me ;) Now I can play as a Native American Werewolfy kinda thing with tcs. Good job :D

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Page Build Version: 3.3.2 [15. Dec 2005]

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