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UT2k3 Darkball , Ching , Cyria , Bonebreaker,
by SaD - Saturday, April 26th, 2003 - 2:17 am
-Kénéda- submitted a skin for the Juggernaut Male.It´s Darkball.

[TFM]=PREDATOR submitted a skin for the Human Male.It´s named Ching.

The next two skins are made by Vandella.These are Cyria for the Human Female and Bonebreaker is for the Robots.

-> Juggernaut Male : Darkball <-
-> Human Male : Ching <-
-> Human Female : Cyria <-
-> Robots : Bonebreaker <-
Comments (12)

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12 Orion - Tuesday, April 29th, 2003 - 7:44 pm
Flytag, I did try these settings and the loss of detail is almost imperceptible. You just can't get close enough to a bot or a player to see it, even if you use the playersonly command to freeze the bots and really get close to them. The collision radius just won't allow you to. You can get closer if you ghost, but even then you wouldn't notice it unless you knew it was there. For the best results, work on your skin at 1024x1024, then reduce its size by half when it's time to make the utx file.

11 OMS - Tuesday, April 29th, 2003 - 10:59 am
Gatch - its as simple as that!! just put _0 or _1 after your bodys texture and it works just fine, thats how its done ingame, and ive tested it with a few of my own skins (rubbish ones, i wouldnt dare release) and it works prefectly

10 Gatch_2000 - Monday, April 28th, 2003 - 3:37 pm
i've just finished making a skin for Nurse Willing, and taken the time to put team colours on it... i'm wondering tho, after looking thro a few .upl and .utx files to find out how team textures are specified... is it just a matter of putting _0 and _1 after the body texture's name to get the team colours to apply to any model/skin?... or is there more to it than that sometimes?

9 Flytag - Monday, April 28th, 2003 - 7:23 am
getch_2000 has a point. but for now it's up to the skinners whether they want to put that extra care in for their skins. some like it, some don't. that headlamps thing I think was an ingenius idea nonetheless.. wish they hadn't came up with brightskins really, cause it just confuzes everything.

that's awesome, Orion... never knew you could have 512x512 body textures.. the only question I beg to ask is, have you tried it on... lets say... 1600x1200 on 32bit texture with highest detail settings? well, that's my only wonder, but if you have, I'm definately gonna start thinknig about skinning bodies at 512x512 if you can't see the difference even on highest detail settings....

8 Orion - Sunday, April 27th, 2003 - 9:45 am
When I make a new skin, I plan in advance the parts that will be made red or blue. Makes things much simpler. Only a few minutes to change the colors, a little cut and paste work and it's done. Also, I make the main skin in 1024x1024 format, but I make the team color versions in 512x512. It doesn't increase the file's size as much and the loss of detail is barely noticeble, even if you get very close and look for it.

7 Gatch_2000 - Sunday, April 27th, 2003 - 4:41 am
hmmm, it's always seemed like a boring bit of extra work to put team colours in a skin... i mean, just a you've finalised your skin and want to show it off, u have to work out how to change the colours in it a few times and bump up the size of your .utx file zzz - part of me is thinking as well, that whoever made this 'brightskins' mutator should put some code in it so that it recognises a skin without teamcolours and puts the lights back on for that skin... that would be friendlier to us lazy skinners :o)

a mutator that i've been hoping for an hunting for for ages, and finally found... was one to make the models hang around a bit longer once they're dead... always nice to go have a close look at the skin once you've smegged someone i find :o) it's called GibLife... and it means you can have some fun pushing bodies around with bullets for as long as u want too :o)

6 - Saturday, April 26th, 2003 - 4:06 pm
whats this? More than one good skin in a release? here? i must be in a coma or somthing.

5 Shuriken - Saturday, April 26th, 2003 - 3:23 pm
Check my first comment - brightskins patch. It has team colours for all of the default skins, and disables the shoulder lamps. That's why skins should have team colours, cos now a lot of people play with shoulder lamps off.

4 jeffd - Saturday, April 26th, 2003 - 2:47 pm
err, how many default skins have team colors? I dont know of any. they all rely on the fact that you get bright colord lights infront of your body.

3 Shuriken - Saturday, April 26th, 2003 - 1:22 pm
"team colours can be added bonuses, but trust me when i say its harder than it seems to just "magic" them onto a skin...."

Not really. Even if people don't take the extra time to do team skins (which imo they should), even simply adding some decals/recolouring a part is more useful than none.

(Just looked at my previous comment and it does sound a bit sarcastic/moody, but I didn't mean it to be quite like that :-) )

2 OMS - Saturday, April 26th, 2003 - 10:48 am
team colours can be added bonuses, but trust me when i say its harder than it seems to just "magic" them onto a skin....

Darkball = class, very nice work, but it still looks a lot like the original cannonball

what the hell is Ching?

Cyria gets my praise, a very,very kool skin, 7\10 for that one, could use a better face though.

ah yes. nice to see bonebreaker has arrived, ive seen him (and downloaded him) from somewhere before, 9\10 for this one cus its so original and creative while looking good at the same time. keep it up Vandella :P

1 Shuriken - Saturday, April 26th, 2003 - 6:41 am
Skins without team colours? Oh, great. Vandella, with the new brightskins patch, you really need to add teamskins to them.

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