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Gatch_2000 |
1. Hi, tell us a little bit about you . Where are you from ? What are you doing ? (School , Work etc.) How old are you ?
Hi :o) i'm 31 and live in South Wales in the UK. I trained in Technical Illustration, drawing up car manual style illustrations from flat plans and learning to airbrush them etc... I wonder if anyone actually still does all that by hand anymore!? When I left college I started up my own business, retouching people's family photos using Photoshop... adding people, removing
people. I lived in Singapore for just over a year and a half, marrying and then bringing back to the UK with me the second person I ever emailed when I first got online... and her dog, Dim :o)... a few jobs later, and I am currently running my old business again but getting more into web design now.
2. When do you started skinning and for which game?
I started skinning for the original UT about 3 or 4 years ago, after getting into a bit of simple interface skinning for a few odd programs like Neoplanet, ICQ, Winamp and then i discovered SkinMaker for the original UT!
3. Do you remember your first skin ?
I think my first skin might have been the nude one I did of myself for UT called 'Gareth'... I've made a few nude skins of myself, cos the idea that at any time somewhere in the world, I might be running around blowing people up in the nude, kind of does something for me :o)
4. Can you tell us, for which games you have made customskins?
Only the original UT, and UT2003... I can't say that I've ever been inspired enough by any other game to consider skinning for any other... there's something very human, and friendly about UT's graphical and game-play styles... something that I've never felt in any other game, plus there's a large and friendly audience for UT skins that makes it all seem worth while.
5. Which Skin's/Model's you have made for UT/UT2003?
I made 20 for the original UT and there are 22 that I've made for UT2003 so far a few highlights I thought were: Nali Parasite, where I managed to make the shape of the model look as different as possible from the original character... having a parasite thingie on his head - and in my very latest skin 'Taken' i'm tried to do the same thing, tho the newer models don't lend themselves very well to drastic changes in appearance through skinning :o( A lot of people seem to like my Reflex skin for UT2003 too... he was more of an unplanned skin tho, developing from the effects that started to take over while trying to do something else.
6.What skin/model are you working on at the moment?
None just at the moment... tho there are a few unfinished ones laying around somewhere on my hard disc... there's one where i'm trying to use a chrome effect to give Ice a more icy look, but i got frustrated with that... oh, yeah... there's Emerald as well... i nearly forgot her, i'll zip her up and submit her now along with Taken!
7. How much time do you spend on a great skin/model?
A day solid altogether i guess... if i stop fiddling on a skin it's harder to pick it up again, and skinning has to be *the* most addictive thing... when you start making a little change... seeing how it looks... spotting something else that needs adjusting... seeing how it looks... etc... etc... etc... it's a hard loop to break out of sometimes!!!!!
8. Is there anything you would like to say to tell the community?
Be nice to eachother, as most people are :o) and most of all be *positive* about everything... we all want to see new skins, new models, new ideas, new stuff... and it's encouragement that brings it out of people, not negative criticism.
9. Where can we see your work? (Webpage)
SkinCity is founded by SaD - Coding and databasecoding by Marco B. - www.mbpublish.de Unreal Tournament, Unreal, UT2003 and Unreal 2 are registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. All other
trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. Page Build Version: 3.3.2 [15. Dec 2005]