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.:: Question And Answer ::.

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1. Hi, tell us a little bit about you . Where are you from ? What are you doing ? (School , Work etc.) How old are you ?

Hi, my name is Rui Machado and I�m from Portugal. I work as an electronics technician, I am 26 years old.
2. When do you started skinning and for which game?

I started skinning only for UT2003, dunno the day I released my first skin but it was one or two months after the game came out.
3. Do you remember your first skin ?

Oh yeah, it was Propane the first of six cyborgs I was planning to create, I was very sad to see that UT2003 didn�t have some of the old skins so I tried making my own and improve them with time and more experience.
4. Can you tell us, for which games you have made customskins?

I�ve only created skins for UT2003.
5. Which Skin's/Model's you have made for UT/UT2003?

I have already made a few and some of them are included in packs, here are their names:

Octane, Propane, Macrowar, Maniac, Cynder, Manta, Tyrion, UT2k3 Matrix, Zero, Jackal, NecrisMales(4 skins), DeathChildPack1(12 skins from necris to metalguards) and UT2k3 Commandos(currently 2 skins).

6.What skin/model are you working on at the moment?

I�m working on my new pack wich I have released its V1.0 already called UT2k3 Commandos, I�m planning to release a new version next with about 5 skins. My next project is secret.
7. How much time do you spend on a great skin/model?

It depends if I start a skin from scratch or not, but usually I take about two to three days and work on it about two to three hours a day.
8. Is there anything you would like to say to tell the community?

Well just like to say never give up on what you belive and that with a bit of effort and hard work wonders can be achived. All of you out there who want to start skinning here�s my advice, just do it, don�t be afraid to create. If you need any help or advice on anything related to skinning just email me that I�ll do my best to help you out.
9. Where can we see your work? (Webpage)

No home page yet(in construction) but you all can see my work here in Skincity and UT2003HQ,

Thx alot.

SkinCity is founded by SaD - Coding and databasecoding by Marco B. -
Unreal Tournament, Unreal, UT2003 and Unreal 2 are registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.
Page Build Version: 3.3.2 [15. Dec 2005]

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