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Shadow Dancer
1. Hi, tell us a little bit about you . Where are you from ? What are you doing ? (School , Work etc.) How old are you ?

I live in the US; Minnesota, near the twin cities. At present I have only a few weeks until my senior year of high school begins. I am eighteen.
2. When do you started skinning and for which game?

Unreal was the first game I skinned for; I made different enemy skins to go with the new classes I'd made.
3. Do you remember your first skin ?

yeah, it was for a custom skaarj class called the Enforcer. The skin was a team effort between me and my brother (I was very inexperienced at the time) and it is a skaarj trooper with greyscaled armor, faint bluish skin and beautiful purple eyes. It's still one of my favorites and I've got it on one of my oldskool skaarj trooper players now.
4. Can you tell us, for which games you have made customskins?

Unreal and UT only.
5. Which Skin's/Model's you have made for Unreal Tournament?

Skins: Nali gib skins, Jcow, Jcow update, cybercows, Cyber pit fighters, Hell Xan.
Models: I also got the Krall into UT as a player, but it's kinda buggy still. Not released: I took the four team colors for the war bos model and made each one a full five palate skin, plus added a new face to go with the default gray color. I made separate team colors and new HUD faces for the oldskool unreal 1 models. Necris warrior, a tribute to my first skin, the enforcer, for the hybrid. A Xan mk2 skin that makes the default color a full five palate skin. (The more extensive projects would be released if my e-mail service could send large attachments, but it can't, so I don't know how I'm going to get them out�)
6.What skin/model are you working on at the moment?

at the moment I'm just doing little putz work kind of stuff, making faces for various skins: Raw steel, Metal guard, the Hybrids. A few weeks ago I finished a Necris Warrior skin that is a combination of the Metal guard Sgirl skin, the marine skin for the same model, the hidden Necris skin and the default necris skin. It includes some once hidden faces which I have edited a little (they had pupils; Necris shouldn't have pupils) I am planning to release all this once I finish one more project (which I haven't started yet) I am going to update the Cyber pit fighters skin: the reflections on the metal parts are still green, even though the skin they should be reflecting is yellow, I intend to fix this. The new patch will also have at least on new face.
7. How much time do you spend on a great skin/model?

from about 3pm to 1 am working straight with only 40 minutes for dinner and forgetting homework etc� Planning time included it takes a full day or two.
8. Do you want to say something to the community?

My pants are filled with warm sour cream, and I like it.
9. Can you imaging, making skins for other games like Unreal2 in the future?

Definitely. I may begin skinning for Serious Sam as well, but that depends on how easy it will be. But U2, definitely.
10. Where can we see your work? (Webpage) (I have no current website) . Oh, I also have a story up at it's called Kira the Shadow Dancer.

SkinCity is founded by SaD - Coding and databasecoding by Marco B. -
Unreal Tournament, Unreal, UT2003 and Unreal 2 are registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.
Page Build Version: 3.3.2 [15. Dec 2005]

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