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Elliot Boutin
1. Hi, tell us a little bit about you . Where are you from ? What are you doing ? (School , Work etc.) How old are you ?

My name's Elliot Boutin, I'm from Portland, Maine, and am currently a high school student. LADIES: l have all my major appendages (not counting my legs) still intact.
2. When do you started skinning and for which game?

I started skinning for Jedi Knight and stuck with that for a year or so. After that, I moved on to Half-Life and Unreal Tournament.
3. Do you remember your first skin ?

No. Not since the accident.
4. Can you tell us, for which games you have made customskins?

Jedi Knight, Half-Life (I doubt you can find them, though) and UT. I guess this officially makes me a nerd.
5. Which Skin's/Model's you have made for Unreal Tournament?

Heavy Guard
Fast Eddie
Gladiator (for the Boss)
(Yes, I know they're all very hackneyed, but deal with it.)
6.What skin/model are you working on at the moment?

Nothing currently. I'd actually like to focus on other areas in the near future.
7. How much time do you spend on a great skin/model?

Too damn long. I don't get to sit down and work a lot, so my projects drag on for months. I think it took me a little under a year to finish, tweak and distribute my latest skin.
8. Do you want to say something to the community?

Kill Whitey .
9. Can you imaging, making skins for other games like Unreal2 in the future?

I hope I'm not... this is all fun, but I would rather focus on something a bit more substantial in the future.
10. Where can we see your work? (Webpage)

Sorry, nowhere at the moment. You can, however, find my UT skins at this site.

SkinCity is founded by SaD - Coding and databasecoding by Marco B. -
Unreal Tournament, Unreal, UT2003 and Unreal 2 are registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.
Page Build Version: 3.3.2 [15. Dec 2005]

Battle Droid 2.1 (UT2k4)

Liandribots III (UT3)
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