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.:: Question And Answer ::.

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1. Hi, tell us a little bit about you . Where are you from ? What are you doing ? (School , Work etc.) How old are you ?

I'm just a regular guy, I guess. I live in Hawaii, on probably the most populated island, currently attending classes at a local community college. I grew up drawing, hoping to get a job as either an animator, to make cartoons like those I grew up watching, or a game designer or artist, to make games like those I enjoyed as a kid. I started skinning as a way to keep that dream alive while I worked on finishing school and other projects.
2. When do you started skinning and for which game?

I started skinning for UT2004, 'round about November of 2004 or so. I've worked on games before, but they were mostly 2D games. I'm still a beginner when it comes to skinning.
3. Do you remember your first skin ?

:) Kinda hard to forget my first skin... it's still my only skin haha :P. It was a great experience, and I learned a LOT while making it, and it certainly made me want to make another.
4. Can you tell us, for which games you have made customskins?

Just UT2004.
5. Which Skin's/Model's you have made for UT/UT2003/UT2004?

Felina Haynesworth is the only skin I've made for UT2004. Hopefully soon it will be 2... maybe 3.
6.What skin/model are you working on at the moment?

I'm working on a dark pack of Felina for Marygold. I would like to work on her voice pack after that, and I've long wanted to make a couple more...
7. How much time do you spend on a great skin/model?

The last one took about 60 hours or so, a good part of which was research and experimentation. I'm sure future skins won't take nearly as long.
8. Is there anything you would like to say to the community?

The community is what makes games like UT so great. It keeps the game fresh, and makes an already great game greater. Felina was my contribution to the scene, and I hope others will start or continue to create content for the game. Above all, I sincerely hope user-end content will remain free and accessable to all. Content for the game has been overall high quality, so keep up the great work, everyone!
9. Where can we see your work? (Webpage)

My site is There's nothing there right now but an occasional picture every now and then, but hopefully I can put more on it this summer.

SkinCity is founded by SaD - Coding and databasecoding by Marco B. -
Unreal Tournament, Unreal, UT2003 and Unreal 2 are registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.
Page Build Version: 3.3.2 [15. Dec 2005]

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